I know I’m late on this post, I know, I know! This year I’m thankful for all of you. I’ve done some experimenting this year, from a Mad Max style dystopian to an urban fantasy and a genre-bending prepper romance in One Man’s Opus. You’ve stuck with me while I’ve done all sorts of things not quite hard core prepping / TSHTF reading related. I’m getting back into that, but I needed some time away from it a little bit to process ending The World Burns Series.
There is good news… I wrote a new series opener for Permuted Press called “Outside The Fire” that’s going to hit shelves soon. That one is about an economic collapse. I’ve got another one that’s about a reluctant prepper who learns survival skills with on an island in Florida that I’m calling Deadman’s Cay. That one’s a survivial/preparedness situation with some sea adventure for flavoring. I held off on writing it because as I was researching and planning it out, the actual hurricanes came through the gulf, hitting Texas and Florida. I changed the storyline up and am about halfway done with it. I’ve also started on a story that’s near and dear to my heart about a prepper who helps his grandpa run his family still to make ends meet. That one I’m calling “Still Surviving” and should have a lot of books in that series if my planning is correct.
And… because of overwhelming fan requests, there’s going to be a third Opus book. It might be the last, but who knows… there might be puppies involved! Happy belated Thanksgiving everybody!